
Churches are working together in Spring 2025 to invite people to experience the kindness of God.


Spring 2025.

Spring 2025.
Spring 2025.

Churches up and down the country are using trypraying, often having a trypraying banner making the invitation public. It’s an exciting, whole-church activity that has everyone praying and then getting into conversations about faith. The trypraying booklet is a simple ‘way in’ for people to discover Christ. ‘Use it’ – one Sunday everyone is given a copy to use themselves. ‘Lose it’ - the next Sunday: everyone is encouraged to look for a God-given opportunity to give the booklet to a friend, colleague or whoever they meet.

The use of trypraying banners outside churches makes it a visible and gently provocative invitation for people to begin to do life with God. Bought advertising puts this further into the public space so everyone can hear about it.

We expect 1000 UK churches to join in 2025. Choose any two Sundays in March, April or May to ‘Use it and lose it’. Pray in the weeks preceding and gather stories in the weeks following.


Want to join in? click here.

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