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Help us extend trypraying. If you want to support a specific project, you can choose this after you click "Begin Donation".
Make a transfer from your bank (monthly by standing order?) to our account at Santander:
Account Name: trypraying
Sort Code: 09-01-29
Account No.: 29149836
(IBAN: GB43ABBY09012929149836)
Please email office@trypraying.org to let us know.
Trypraying is funded by our friends. They are individuals, churches, and other groups. We are also funded from the sales of resources. If you make a donation we consider you one of our friends!
Funds come from gifts and sales of materials. Our core costs are funded this way. When it comes to raising funds for special activities, for example our annual spring advertising campaign, God has faithfully provided often with ‘down to the wire, white-knuckle rides’ in which many people have participated.
You can add Gift Aid to your donation, and, if you are able to do so, it is a great help. Adding Gift Aid means that the government will add a further 25% to your donation. For further information on Gift Aid please contact us: office@trypraying.co.uk or call +44 (0)131 202 6449.
There Is Hope (SCO48037) is the charity running the trypraying project.
If your church wants to make a gift then here’s a clever way for it not to come out of regular church funds. There is often a keenness for people to give to something like a bus advertising campaign. So here is what you can do. Forward an email to the congregation inviting them to give, not to trypraying, but to the church for the church’s participation in trypraying. You could have a target of a number of bus ads or a numerical figure. People give to the church and many will Gift Aid their gifts. The church forwards the gifts but keeps the gift aid to spend however it is thought best. It could go towards paying for trypraying booklets or a banner. Or it could be spent on what the church needs most. It’s a win-win arrangement.
Through Legacy Giving you can make a bequest to trypraying/There is Hope in your will.
Fill in the form on the donate page to donate via debit or credit card. There are also buttons on this page that allow you to make a gift via Paypal, via ‘Give Now at Stewardship’, or via Bank Transfer.
We are grateful for the help of some trusts and want to acknowledge the help of the Drummond Trust (3 Pitt Terrace, Stirling) in assisting with some of our printing costs. If you are connected with a charitable trust we would welcome an enquiry.
Trypraying/There Is Hope is a Scottish Charity (SC048037) and fulfils the requirements of OSCR (the Scottish Charity Regulator).
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