Next Friday

Next Friday

This week we met with Catherine to discuss advertising for the spring campaign. Catherine is the representative for Global Media, through whom we book bus advertising. We talked about costs and dates for the campaign.

Here’s what we found out for our campaign:

  • ​A bus side panel costs around £400 for a month.
  • A rear panel costs around £175 for a month.

The goal is for a strong campaign across the whole of Scotland with possibilities in other UK cities, where groups of churches choose to do this. The Scottish campaign will cost a minimum of £35,000 for which we have over £15,000 already. That would fund rear panels across the whole nation. If we get more, we can add in other media.

This is what it could look like:


If we book by next Friday (31st January) we can get a 45% reduction. Then after, it would be a 30% reduction.

So, can we recruit your help? 

Can I invite you to donate? If everyone reading this email (you?) donated £15 the first stage of the budget would be covered. If £15 was given for each of three months we would be home and dry with a strong campaign across the nation and help to other places.

Why do we do this?

Because it reaches millions of people with a simple invitation to seek God. It also signals the starting point for churches up and down the country to make that invitation personal by equipping their people to share the trypraying booklet.

If you’re able to respond before Friday with a donation or a pledge (so we know how much we can spend), that would be extremely helpful.  Perhaps your church can make a donation.  That might take a little longer to get permissions, but do let us know if that would be your intention and we can factor that possibility into the budget. As ever, this is a massive faith venture!

Thank you so much for considering this.

This is an exciting possibility again for people to experience the kindness of God.

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