Why not?

Why not?

The story is told of a university philosophy exam where one of the questions on the exam paper was simply, ‘Why?’  A smart student did a short reply, for which he got full marks, writing, ‘Why not?’

Whether true or not, we asked a few people the question why they use trypraying and here’s what they said - raw, unedited and spontaneous…

It’s all very encouraging, but the thing that encourages us is when people engage with this simple resource and share it with their friends, neighbours, colleagues or just someone they bump into. Whole congregations can do this! 

So perhaps the question for your church is why not use trypraying this spring? 

And to help you…

Free banners.

We want to give a free banner to every church that orders 100 trypraying booklets. It will be a striking, 1m x 2.5m, colour banner with the trypraying logo and web address. It can be attached to railings or church walls, perhaps with a perspex box to put a little supply of booklets in for people to help themselves.  The banner is worth £55.00 so we believe this is a real help for churches to be visual in their project and show their participation. 

Banners are a great way of demonstrating unity across churches in a town or city - the same logo across different churches and different denominations. It speaks volumes to people who see them.

Use this link for ordering a free banner with 100 booklets: banner offer.

Without being weird.

To help share the vison and also to resource people and churches we are planning a roadshow… 

Spring campaign.

Join in. Can you help your church join this spring initiative? There will be hundreds of churches across the UK all doing something similar at the same time.  Simply plan for your church to ‘Use it and Lose It’ in March, April or May.  Banners will be shown in hundreds of places and some places they will be supplemented by paid advertising across all Scotland and elsewhere. 

News from further afield. Some churches in Los Angeles will start their trypraying project in April. A Hungarian trypraying booklet is now at the printers. The Ukrainian edition is being translated.  The German edition is all set to go but needs seed money to get it printed.  The French team are working on sharing the vision with church leaders.  In Spain an embryonic project is being planned across all denominations in the south. An area-wide project is being planned for New Zealand.

Facing the Canon. David Hill has been interviewed by J.John on his ‘Facing the Canon’ series.  It will be released on 22nd March to eight TV channels, podcast, YouTube and Facebook all of which give a significant global reach.

Military. A trypraying booklet for military forces (’trypraying - releasing forces for good’) is being completed and gaining enthusiastic response from military chaplains.

Please pray.  In spite of all the above, trypraying is being run by three people, a great team of trustees and some wonderful volunteers. We would love you to pray for us and this whole enterprise.  Thank you.  

Thank you for joining the adventure. If ever there was a time for people to hear a message that gives eternal hope, this is one of them.

The trypraying team.

David Hill, Emma Weaver, Helen Campbell, Dean Norby, Knox Haggie, Steve Aiken, Anthony Luxton

Trypraying logo

Curious about God, faith, prayer? Visit our trypraying website.