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Trypraying started 15 years ago as a simple idea for faith-sharing. It is now a church project and a multi-church process in towns and cities. It’s been organic, growing story of churches using this resource. It’s something done across churches and often with synched calendars. Thank you for being part of this.
This spring there will be hundreds of churches joining in. It will be a united invitation to thousands of people to discover the kindness of God. We would love you to be part of this…
Spring 2025
You are invited…
Let us know if your church is up for this…
Three things.
There are three things to do:
Join in. Can you help your church join this spring initiative? There will be a sense of working together across the nation with hundreds of churches all doing something similar at the same time. Here’s what a church can do: choose two weeks in March, April or May. First week give everyone in your church a copy of the trypraying booklet to use themselves and then the following week encourage them to lose it by praying for a God given opportunity to pass it on to a friend or colleague. Simple. Â
Give money. This will be the fifteenth year that trypraying has had a powerful visual presence across cities and communities. We are looking to raise £70,000 to have trypraying visible across all Scotland and many other places. Can you give? If you like the idea of multiples of 15 perhaps you could give £15, £150, £1500. Alternatively give monthly for 15 months, or ….. any of an immense number of different possibilities. Already £15,000 has been made available. Would you like to make a donation?
… and, oh yes, please pray for God to work through this. Thank you.
Why advertise?Â
So people can see it, and discover the kindness of God in their lives. Here’s how it works:
Some churches in Los Angeles are going to be using trypraying for the first time also a continuing project in Seattle is set to expand this year. LA is a city that needs our prayers just now.
Our youth booklet is undergoing a rewrite having become quite dated. A team of capable people working on redeveloping this resource.
The French team are working on ideas for the now-printed trypraying booklet to be used effectively. The German, Hungarian and Spanish translations are ready for printing and a Ukrainian one is being developed.Â
A trypraying booklet for armed forces (‘Trypraying - releasing forces for good’) is being completed an gaining enthusiastic response from forces chaplains.Â
Thank you for joining the adventure. If ever there was a time for people to hear a message that gives eternal hope, this is one of them.
The trypraying team.
David Hill, Emma Weaver, Dean Norby, Keith Mack, Knox Haggie, Anthony Luxton, Steve Aiken, Helen Campbell
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