
What's the plan for trypraying?
trypraying team
January 2024


This will be brief.

In 2024 we can reach thousands of people with a message that transforms lives.  In spite of so much that’s bleak, or perhaps because there is so much that’s bleak, people are open. There’s a huge opportunity.  People are open, reachable and ready.

What’s the plan for trypraying?  Along with every good initiative, we want to:

  • Help 1000 UK churches invite people in their communities to try praying.  
  • Place the trypraying logo in the public space with banners and adverts.
  • Put trypraying booklets into the hands of congregations to pass on to their friends.

Trypraying is a simple, accessible ‘way in’ for people who have no faith to discover a relationship with God.  It introduces them to Jesus.  

Advertising campaign.  The planned advertising campaign makes all this visible and current.  It will be across hundreds of communities and cities this spring. We are asking God for £88,000.  This will buy a strong campaign across all Scotland and other places in the UK.  Would you like to help?

£150 buys an advert on a bus side. £40 buys an advert on a rear panel.  Other media - trains, station ticket barriers, etc. - are available. Do you have access to a fund that can make a large donation? Churches may be able to club together to fund local adverts as part of the wider campaign.  Any gift, small or large, is appreciated and will help immensly, especially if it comes with the prayer that God will use this in people’s lives.

You can donate here.

Thank you so much for thinking about this. Please pray as well!


‘Vision for the year’ webinars: Thursday 25th January.

We want to share what happened last year and also our vision for 2024.  These two webinars will also give opportunity to get up to speed and see how you, or your church, can participate. Here are the links: 

10.30 a.m. Thursday 25th January.  https://us06web.zoom.​us/j/87157724729?pwd=​8wf1ZBowtXfCaxy3AvXTLckdbrPgGE​.1

7.30 p.m. Thursday 25th January.  https://us06web.zoom.​us/j/87166555477?pwd=​gcblkAen0zj1fqGDw6F5lqtdUvuBab​.1

Let us know if you plan on coming with a quick reply email.  Thank you.

We have huge gratitude for anyone who is part of this trypraying movement making Christ known. If that’s you, thank you. 


on behalf of the trypraying team:

Hannah, Anthony, Knox, Steve, Dean, Helen, Keith and Emma.

Trypraying logo

Curious about God, faith, prayer? Visit our trypraying website.