
I never really felt like I needed faith until a couple of years ago when I was made redundant. This was a pretty stressful time especially having a young family to support with me and my wife. During that time, I really struggled with a season of depression.

One Saturday afternoon I got this really random feeling that I needed to go to church. So I started going along to church and I absolutely loved it. This is where trypraying comes in, I’d been struggling with the idea of prayer, it was something that seemed really strange to me. But then my friend suggested that I download the trypraying app. So, I downloaded the app and went through the 7 days, I actually went through it 3 times.

I know I’m not perfect, but Jesus has helped me to turn away from all the wrong things in my life and to live a better life. I began to feel a difference, by the end of the first week I could really see that difference. In so many ways I can see God answering prayers that I pray in everyday life.

I found the app so helpful and so friendly. It didn’t make you pray in any particular way; it gave me a lot of great tips that allowed me to pray in a way that was authentic to me. Prayer is about opening myself and allowing God to make changes and to make me a better person.

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