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After a quick tour of the news, who wouldn’t have a sinking feeling? But this is another type of feeling and another type of syncing. Â
Something new is happening. But it has also been rolling down through the generations for centuries. Long ago it was announced in a village meeting in the middle east. The core values speak of freedom for the oppressed, sight to the blind and good news for the poor. The message of this new thing has been transforming lives ever since. And now it is for this generation, these days, these times and these challenges: Jesus.
Trypraying seeks to communicate this message inviting people to experience the kindness of God enabling them to turn to him (Romans 2:4). Â
So what’s the syncing?
It’s churches syncing their calendars to unite in a town-wide, city-wide or even country-wide invitation for people to do life with God instead of without him. How? Sync the calendars. We would love 1000 churches in 2025 to sync their calendars and be busy with inviting people to try praying in Spring 2025. Â
Imagine it. Almost everywhere you go an invitation to trypraying being visible on banners, buses and billboards. At the same time 1000 churches choosing to do the same simple activity of using the booklet one week and then ’losing’ it to friends, colleagues and neighbours the next week.
‘Trypraying is not a small thing. We should share the vision, get the resources, and sync our calendars.’  Dan Turner N. W. Community Church Washington DC.
We can all join in together. We were close to it this year with around 700 churches in the UK and 150 in the USA. We would love to break the 1000 church barrier!
‘The unintended consequence of a trypraying project is that it brings churches together, visibly, across denominational and parish boundaries, to speak simultaneously with one voice into their local community. What else has done that in your community over the last ten years?’  Andrew and Morag Evans, Coordinators trypraying Devon. Â
Want to join in? Let us know: Register here
Morgan had met Kayy at a church outreach event in Seattle. When asked if he wanted prayer he said yes. It turned out that Kayy wanted more than that, he wanted to become a Christian. Morgan led him in a prayer of commitment. Phone numbers were exchanged with the promise to keep in touch. Only… nothing. The communication ceased.Â
Until, that is, Morgan and a couple of other people were in a cafe. Bells of recollection seemed to be ringing because Kayy had said he worked in a cafe/bakery. It was a long shot, but they asked the person at the counter whether Kayy worked there. Answer: yes! Morgan and Kayy were reunited. Of 100s of similar places this was the one where he worked and he was there at that time. He was so happy to meet up again. The reason for his non-communication was that he had changed his phone! Now they were in touch again and there’s the possibility of him being helped to grow in his new Christian faith. Â
Here’s what happens when some people see a bus advert…
A teenager in Scotland saw the trypraying logo on a bus, scoffed at the idea and then, for laugh, decided to give it a go. To his surprise he discovered God speaking to him. So he found a church and now, a few months later, he has come to faith and attends the youth fellowship.
We are looking for £70,000 for an advertising campaign across all Scotland and other places in the spring. We would love you to pray about this with us and give towards it.Â
The 1,000,000 trypraying booklets Gala Dinner in Edinburgh was a great success. 100 people came to celebrate on this special occasion. News from Devon and France encouraged everyone. There were interviews with people who had become Christians, news from several countries, video messages from Alpha USA, and a message to everyone about ‘putting a stone in your shoe’ as a literal reminder about sharing their faith.
And… oh yes… food.
Ukraine, France, Germany, Spain, Czechia, Australia and New Zealand are countries where there are embryonic trypraying projects. As of this week, there is also interest in Hungary. The USA and UK projects are expanding. You can donate to two projects, Germany and Ukraine, that need seed funding for printing in order to get it rolling there - about £5000 for each country - donate here.
How did Ukraine become a possibility?Â
Watch the story about Ukraine here…
Thank you so much for your interest and participation in this adventure.
The trypraying team.
Trypraying: an invitation for people to experience the kindness of God. We produce resources for people to experience it, strategies for churches to share it, and advertising for people to see it.
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