
I arrived home from a holiday in the Maldives to discover a letter telling me I needed to visit the doctor. When I went it was bad news!

I’d had a previous x-ray for something else but they had found shadows on my pancreas and in my liver.  It was really frightening at the time! I was to be sent to the hospital for a scan. When I got home from the doctor I was really quite upset upset. 

But, as I was sitting there feeling upset a pamphlet came through the letterbox and is said ‘try praying’.  I do believe in God: Although I’m not a church goer, I’ve always believed in a power higher than myself.  Anyway, I read the pamphlet and there was a bit saying that if I wanted a visit from a minister or church member, I was to fill in a form and post it.  So I did that and posted it. 

I got a phone call the next day from John Young, the minister of a local church, asking if I would like him to come up and have a chat.  The way I was feeling, I would have had a word with anyone really because I was upset and worried – as was my wife.  So, John came up with an assistant called Malcolm.  We sat, and I told them a bit about myself, and they asked if I would like them to pray.  I said ‘yes, I really would like that very much,’ 

I sat on my settee with John on one side of me and Malcom on the other.  I had been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and cancer of the liver.  John put his hand on pancreas, and Malcom put his hand on my liver.  They prayed, and it was quite overwhelming for me.  I felt fantastic while they were praying.  I felt like I was receiving strength, and I felt like I was going to be OK.  I began to read the try praying booklet again. There was a bit in it that said something like, ‘if you would like, go to your door, and open it, and ask Jesus to come into your house.’  I thought, ‘Well, I’ve nothing to lose.’

I went and opened the front door and said ‘do you want to come in, Lord Jesus? Please come in.’  I left the front door open and the lounge door open and I sat down.  I could see an image of the Lord Jesus at the door with a white robe on.  It was overwhelming.  The hairs on the back of my head were standing.  I said ‘please try to heal me and help me.’  That was it.  To me, it was just fantastic. 

Later on I got another visit from John Young.  I became quite friendly with him and I’ve had a lot of help and strength.  He asked me if I would like to go to the church on the Sunday coming up.  I told him I wasn’t a church goer but that I would go because I wanted to thank God for the help and for the amazing thing that had happened. The amazing thing was that after that first time John and Malcom had come and prayed with me, I had had another scan which revealed that the diagnosis I had been given in the first place was incorrect.  In the biopsy they discovered it wasn’t pancreatic cancer I had.  It was another type of cancer called neuroendocrine cancer that was nowhere near as serious as the pancreatic cancer. 

I put that down to the Spiritual experience I had had and believed it was God who had changed that. I just have this belief that everything is going to be fine, that I’m going to be OK.  I’ve now had chemotherapy and I have my last session this Thursday coming.  I still have my hair!  I’m believing this is through Jesus and God being on my side.  The only side effect I’ve had from the chemotherapy has been tiredness.  I’ve prayed all the way through it for help. 

I really believe that my life is in God’s hands.  I have given my life and will over to the care of the Lord as I understand him, and until today that’s been great.  My faith has trebled and is very strong.  Up until today that’s it – I just feel really good!

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